Friday, January 20, 2012

Jalapeño Peanut Butter Cookies

Going a little stir crazy on this fourth snow day, I decided to bake. John suggested peanut butter cookies so I broke out my favorite cookie book. As I was making the cookies I began to wonder what it would be like if I put a jalapeño twist on them. So after making sure that I had at least four dozen regular cookies, I grated up a jalapeño and added it in to the remaining dough.

Then I decided to bump it up a level. I rolled the dough into balls, made a well in the center of each cookie with my thumb, grabbed the jalapeño jelly I made in September, and filled each well with some jalapeño jelly.

I upped the bake time to 12 minutes instead of the regular 10 minutes because the jelly makes the center soft.

The green of the jalapeño created a beautiful cooky. But the taste! It was a little bit of heaven. It has enough heat that it leaves a nice tingle in your mouth, and who doesn't love peanut butter and jelly together.  I think I've just found my new favorite cookie.


  1. I would have to taste one to see if they really taste good....I am looking forward to seeing what else you come up with! Welcome to the blogger world!

    1. Thanks, Shannon! I will have to put a couple in the freezer to whip out when I see you next.
